Saturday, September 22, 2007

Excellent Links for Animation

Some links of excellent animation to watch

Ideas for Visual Transitions

  1. Bird to Plane (technology growth)
  2. The dish antenna turns around to show weather control
  3. Plants growing up from ground when sprinklers are on
  4. Buildings growing up from ground showing growth
  5. Wheel turning into car
  6. Solar Energy run wind mills runs turbines
  7. Day turns into night and lights are on (to show invention of bulb/electricity) and show lot of activities like Grove- and end showing "What would world be without science"

Alien Script for screenwriting study

A small description

One part of the world was mostly disconnected with the rest until communication was invented. Humans learnt to telecommunicate by understanding how information can be transferred.
Earth was mostly an untapped natural resource. Humans speak to each other, learn symbols and develop language, sound can also be amplified with loudspeaker, air is the fastest medium for sound, they also discover sound is a wave, wave can be assimilated as information, wave is encoded in information, radio waves, gamma waves, electromagnetic waves, they can go on for a long distance without considerable loss, then they learn principle of reflection, you can bounce a ray off by deflecting it through an object, the concept of satellite from the moon, it revolves around the earth, waves can be sent to the satellite and transmitted over a large distance, it cuts distances.
weather is a force of nature, you can only protect yourself, until humans develop tools to study weather, earthquakes, rains, natural disasters, irrigation does not depend upon rains,crops no longer fail due to drought or floods, humans tap a natural resource like wind or water, to create dams, to channelise the energy in controlling water, and generate electricity.
Water can be preserved, controlled , diverted. Wind can be tapped to sail ships, run turbines, it becomes an energy source.
man observes sun, its an energy source, the process behind it, the uncontrolled, perennial nuclear fission in its core, keeps burning hydrogen to generate heat and light, that light becomes our day while the earth takes 12 hours to face the sun and the night on the other side. Light is a wave, it is the fastest thing, it takes 8 minutes to travel 9 billion kms from sun to earth. It is also a particle, the dual nature of light, heat is also a source of light. bulb invented, as well as tubelight with vacuum tubes.

Science & Nature

More Images

Inspiring Images

Scientist's website

Words that make you think

  • · Science
    · Sun
    · Earth
    · Ground
    · Fire
    · Wind
    · Nature
    · Energy
  • Technology
    · Resources
    · Plants
    · Mud
    · Soil
    · Hot
    · Cold
    · Air
    · Wheel
    · Vehicles
    · Sprinklers
    · Fields
    · Barley
    · Maize
    · Electricity Wire
    · Solar Power
    · Oceans
    · Water – power
    · Turbines
    · World
    · Balance
    · Nature
    · Evolution
    · Electricity
    · Balance
    · Light
    · Bulb
    · Night
    · Electric Poles
    · Sky
    · Clouds
    · Lightening
    · Houses
    · Communication
    · Phones
    · Internet
    · Scientist
    · Computer
    · Chip
    · Electromagnetism
    · North East West South
    · Globe
    · Microbes
    · Bacteria
    · Medicine
    · Infection
    · Polio
    · Food
    · Animals
    · Vehicles
    · Environment
    · Earth (dirt, soil)
    · Water and rain and snow
    · Dust
    · Trees, wood, and grass
    · Flowers
    · Rock, rocks
    · Rivers, lakes, mountains
    · Sky
    · Clouds
    · Fish, birds, insects
    · Worms
    · Time
    · Space
    · Calendars
    · Clocks and watches (imagine life without them)
    · A year, twelve months in a year, seven days in a week, different lengths of months.
    · If a year has 365 days, why don't we simply have seven 30-day months and five 31-day months?
    · What if the earth were flat?
    · What if the earth didn't rotate?
    · Light
    · Colors
    · Heat, and cold
    · The sun, moon, and stars
    · Gravity
    · Night and day
    · Weekdays and weekends
    · Numbers, arithmetic, and other forms of math
    · Science
    · Molecules and atoms
    · Glass
    · Cement
    · Cloth
    · Leather
    · All the different electromagnetic waves that are passing around and through us all the time.
    · The human body
    · Hands, fingers, feet, toes, knees, elbows
    · Hair and fingernails
    · Why two ears and eyes and hands and feet and lungs? Why five fingers and toes? Would numbers be different? Why only one heart, stomach, liver, and brain?
    · Blood
    · The natural healing of cuts and other injuries
    · Illness, handicaps
    · Death
    · Various philosophies of health and medicine
    · Male and female
    · Taboos, unmentionable body parts and functions, pornography, dirty words
    · Food, and the need to eat
    · Ice cream
    · Vitamins
    · Sleep
    · Bathing
    · Clean
    · The human spirit; soul
    · The brain, thinking, memory, imagination
    · Forgetting
    · Fear
    · Love and hate
    · Curiosity
    · Laughter and jokes
    · Boredom
    · Pain (what is it?)
    · Greed
    · Charity (why give things away?)
    · Habits
    · Diversity of people: races, nationalities, cultures.
    · Boundaries, nations, cities.
    · Government. Why does it exist? What are the alternatives, and alternative forms? Why does government provide roads and mail but not food and clothing and shelter?
    · Law, judges, courts, juries, the constitution.
    · Politics, elections, Democrat and Republican
    · Ownership of property
    · Money
    · Working
    · Vacations
    · Crime, law, police, punishment
    · School
    · Collections
    · Games and sports (In general as well as the specific ones: what's the point of skiing, or swimming? Crossword puzzles?)
    · Fishing and hunting
    · Why do civilized people yearn to be in the great outdoors?
    · Killing (people, animals, insects) (for sport, food, punishment, hate).
    · Suicide, drugs. Who owns my body?
    · Conventions (why does a red light make us stop? when nobody's around?)
    · Shaking hands.
    · Religion, God, gods, church
    · Ritual
    · Progress
    · Museums
    · Libraries
    · Music (what's so special about this form of noise?).
    · Musical instruments
    · Dancing
    · Words
    · Names
    · The alphabet, alphabets. (Why is that one of the first things we teach children?)
    · Language, languages.
    · Spelling
    · Punctuation
    · Ambiguity
    · Lies
    · Questions
    · Writing.
    · Fiction
    · Movies, plays, operas. Why aren't other forms of communication popular entertainment? What's possible?
    · Art
    · Poetry
    · Movies
    · Television
    · Photography
    · News, newspapers
    · Advertising
    · History
    · Fairy tales
    · Comics
    · Yes
    · No
    · Pockets
    · Jewelry
    · Gold, silver, diamonds
    · Boats
    · Buses and trains
    · Computers
    · Cars and streets
    · Stores
    · Garbage and sewers
    · Mail
    · Telephones
    · Telephone books
    · Paper
    · Electricity
    · Standards
    · What if electricity and gasoline weren't provided the way they are?
    · Nails and screws
    · Tools, machines
    · Shelves
    · Knives
    · Forks
    · Plates
    · Beds, tables, chairs
    · Sinks, tubs, showers
    · Soap
    · Doors
    · Rectangular rooms, doors, furniture, houses, plots, streets, ...
    · Round wheels, flowers, fruit, stars and planets, ...
    · Is anything in nature triangular?
    · Diversity (what if everything was the same?)