Saturday, September 22, 2007

Words that make you think

  • · Science
    · Sun
    · Earth
    · Ground
    · Fire
    · Wind
    · Nature
    · Energy
  • Technology
    · Resources
    · Plants
    · Mud
    · Soil
    · Hot
    · Cold
    · Air
    · Wheel
    · Vehicles
    · Sprinklers
    · Fields
    · Barley
    · Maize
    · Electricity Wire
    · Solar Power
    · Oceans
    · Water – power
    · Turbines
    · World
    · Balance
    · Nature
    · Evolution
    · Electricity
    · Balance
    · Light
    · Bulb
    · Night
    · Electric Poles
    · Sky
    · Clouds
    · Lightening
    · Houses
    · Communication
    · Phones
    · Internet
    · Scientist
    · Computer
    · Chip
    · Electromagnetism
    · North East West South
    · Globe
    · Microbes
    · Bacteria
    · Medicine
    · Infection
    · Polio
    · Food
    · Animals
    · Vehicles
    · Environment
    · Earth (dirt, soil)
    · Water and rain and snow
    · Dust
    · Trees, wood, and grass
    · Flowers
    · Rock, rocks
    · Rivers, lakes, mountains
    · Sky
    · Clouds
    · Fish, birds, insects
    · Worms
    · Time
    · Space
    · Calendars
    · Clocks and watches (imagine life without them)
    · A year, twelve months in a year, seven days in a week, different lengths of months.
    · If a year has 365 days, why don't we simply have seven 30-day months and five 31-day months?
    · What if the earth were flat?
    · What if the earth didn't rotate?
    · Light
    · Colors
    · Heat, and cold
    · The sun, moon, and stars
    · Gravity
    · Night and day
    · Weekdays and weekends
    · Numbers, arithmetic, and other forms of math
    · Science
    · Molecules and atoms
    · Glass
    · Cement
    · Cloth
    · Leather
    · All the different electromagnetic waves that are passing around and through us all the time.
    · The human body
    · Hands, fingers, feet, toes, knees, elbows
    · Hair and fingernails
    · Why two ears and eyes and hands and feet and lungs? Why five fingers and toes? Would numbers be different? Why only one heart, stomach, liver, and brain?
    · Blood
    · The natural healing of cuts and other injuries
    · Illness, handicaps
    · Death
    · Various philosophies of health and medicine
    · Male and female
    · Taboos, unmentionable body parts and functions, pornography, dirty words
    · Food, and the need to eat
    · Ice cream
    · Vitamins
    · Sleep
    · Bathing
    · Clean
    · The human spirit; soul
    · The brain, thinking, memory, imagination
    · Forgetting
    · Fear
    · Love and hate
    · Curiosity
    · Laughter and jokes
    · Boredom
    · Pain (what is it?)
    · Greed
    · Charity (why give things away?)
    · Habits
    · Diversity of people: races, nationalities, cultures.
    · Boundaries, nations, cities.
    · Government. Why does it exist? What are the alternatives, and alternative forms? Why does government provide roads and mail but not food and clothing and shelter?
    · Law, judges, courts, juries, the constitution.
    · Politics, elections, Democrat and Republican
    · Ownership of property
    · Money
    · Working
    · Vacations
    · Crime, law, police, punishment
    · School
    · Collections
    · Games and sports (In general as well as the specific ones: what's the point of skiing, or swimming? Crossword puzzles?)
    · Fishing and hunting
    · Why do civilized people yearn to be in the great outdoors?
    · Killing (people, animals, insects) (for sport, food, punishment, hate).
    · Suicide, drugs. Who owns my body?
    · Conventions (why does a red light make us stop? when nobody's around?)
    · Shaking hands.
    · Religion, God, gods, church
    · Ritual
    · Progress
    · Museums
    · Libraries
    · Music (what's so special about this form of noise?).
    · Musical instruments
    · Dancing
    · Words
    · Names
    · The alphabet, alphabets. (Why is that one of the first things we teach children?)
    · Language, languages.
    · Spelling
    · Punctuation
    · Ambiguity
    · Lies
    · Questions
    · Writing.
    · Fiction
    · Movies, plays, operas. Why aren't other forms of communication popular entertainment? What's possible?
    · Art
    · Poetry
    · Movies
    · Television
    · Photography
    · News, newspapers
    · Advertising
    · History
    · Fairy tales
    · Comics
    · Yes
    · No
    · Pockets
    · Jewelry
    · Gold, silver, diamonds
    · Boats
    · Buses and trains
    · Computers
    · Cars and streets
    · Stores
    · Garbage and sewers
    · Mail
    · Telephones
    · Telephone books
    · Paper
    · Electricity
    · Standards
    · What if electricity and gasoline weren't provided the way they are?
    · Nails and screws
    · Tools, machines
    · Shelves
    · Knives
    · Forks
    · Plates
    · Beds, tables, chairs
    · Sinks, tubs, showers
    · Soap
    · Doors
    · Rectangular rooms, doors, furniture, houses, plots, streets, ...
    · Round wheels, flowers, fruit, stars and planets, ...
    · Is anything in nature triangular?
    · Diversity (what if everything was the same?)

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